Your Captain, Sasha, has had a passion for sailing from his young years beginning from the Adriatic coast in the Mediterranean Sea on home-built 28 ft sloop Armagnac. Having read Herman Melville's "Typee" he made a promise to himself to one day sail to the Marquesas. After leaving behind the playground of 1,244 islands in the Adriatic Sea, he moved to Boston and sailed with Boston Harbor Sailing and raced often with the fleet of Olympic class Solings. He did many yacht deliveries along the east coast of the USA until he finally delivered his own Island Packet 420 from Norfolk to St. Thomas in US Virgin Islands. In the next ten years, he zigzagged around the Caribbean, from Puerto Rico to Grenada. And then it was time to fulfill that promise to himself. With Jennie aboard, they sailed through the Panama Canal to Marquesas and on to many other Pacific islands. Their "bumming" around Hawaii, Polynesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia brought them to Fiji where they have become enchanted by beautiful nature, lush green mountains, pristine white beaches, and especially by the friendly Fijians. It is here they have decided to stay. Sasha got his first commercial boating license in his home country Slovenia, and later he earned his US Coast Guard sanctioned Captain 100 Tons diploma. He also holds a Fijian Class 6 (full) boat master license.​​

Captain Sasha

First Mate Jennie
Your First Mate, Stewardess, and Chef, Jennie, is a very experienced blue water sailor. She has sailed, together with Sasha, the Caribbean islands, and then through the Panama canal to the most remote parts of the vast Pacific Ocean. She loves Fiji and the Fijians and is excited to set her permanent anchor in this pristine and unspoiled archipelago. She is an adventure-loving person and is excited to welcome and guide you on your exciting Fijian adventures! Jennie loves cooking and trying new cuisines. She has been trained by a superyacht chef and had gained her experience at a high scale restaurants. Her loving and outgoing personality makes her a great guide to Fiji and a very welcoming environment aboard your own private luxury yacht.